Rottweiler and Pitbull mixes are called Pitweiler, Bullrott, Rottie pit, or Rottbull. This mix can have a 100% Rottweiler temper in a 100% Pitbull body or vice versa. In general, they have the facial structure of a Pit Bull, while they often inherit the floppy ears and a long curled tail from the Rottweiler. Actually, the features that they have can vary.
The combination of Rottweiler and Pitbull has become popular these days. As the guard dogs, they are one of the most desired mixes. A lot of people think they are the best option to protect them, their cattle, and so on.
Do you also share the same thought and are looking for Rottweiler Pitbull mix for sale? If the answer to the question is yes, the name of the classified ads website based in America with sections devoted to job, housing, community service, gigs, for sale, items wanted, services, resumes, and discussion forums might come to your mind.
A lot of people do not recommend the buyers to get a Rottweiler Pitbull mix from Craigslist. Actually, it is fine to check Craigslist for Rottweiler Pitbull mix or any other breeds from reputable rescue organizations or shelters. However, it is not a good idea to try to buy a dog off the site. As a user named White said, good breeders do not sell dogs on Craigslist. They do not need to look for buyers, they already have a good reputation and usually have a waiting list. He explained that scammers frequently use free classified sites and other elaborate tricks like disposable cell phones and phony vet records to dupe people into sending them cash. The man added that the scammers are getting more and more clever in their practices. He saw people deceived from all educational levels and economic backgrounds so no one is immune. Basically, avoiding the scams may mean avoiding free advertising sites altogether.
There was a case of a stolen dog sold on Craigslist. It has been known that a lot of stolen phones, computers, and the other electronics are often resold on this site. But a dog? According to the Monroe Police Department, a Monroe girl was arrested for selling a stolen dog on Craigslist. She was scheduled to babysit an old black lab while the owner was out of the town. But instead of taking care of the dog, she sold her for $200 on the popular classified site.
Fortunately, through a bit of social media help, the family got their stolen dog back. The stealer posted the dog on Craigslist as a Great Dane puppy. She said she bought the dog for $200, and when the original returned home, the girl told the owners that the dog ran away.
When the new owner of the dog posted images of the dog on her Facebook page, a friend recognized the dog from the original family. The dog then was reunited with the original family at the police station and the stealer was arrested for first degree trafficking and theft or a pet. The dog was really happy and excited when she was back home with her original family.
Once again, it is better for you to avoid Craigslist. If you are looking for Rottweiler Pitbull mix, please find a reputable breeder. In order to find the reputable breeders, you can visit a site called Local Puppy Breeders. It will help you in finding the reputable breeder of Rottweiler Pitbull mix near your area.
Apparently, there is no Pitweiler, Bullrott, Rottie pit, or Rottbull in the list of the breeds. However, you can still try to look for the Rottweiler Pitbull mix in the breeders of Pitbulls or Rottweiler. In order to find the good breeders in Local Puppy Breeders, the first thing that should be done is to open its official website. When you are there, you can just choose the name of the breeder and the state that you are in. Since there is no Pitweiler, Bullrott, Rottie pit, or Rottbull, please select Pitbull or Rottweiler. After selecting the breed and the state, do not forget to press the Enter or GO button. By doing so, you will be able to see the list of the reputable that you are looking for. Below is the list of some reputable Rottweiler and Pitbull breeders. For more information about them, you can go to Local Puppy Breeders or visit the official website of each breeder.
Rottweiler breeders:
- Breeder Name: Lakeview Kennel
- City: Dawson Springs
- State: KY
- Phone: 270-797-5555
- Breeder Name: Bear Creek Kennels
- City: Alva
- State: OK
- Phone: 806-268-0314
- Breeder Name: FRM Kennels
- City: Centerfield and Fredericksburg
- State: UT and VA
- Phone: 435-851-3676 and 757-635-5466
- Breeder Name: zeusNherra
- City: Woodland PK
- State: NJ
- Phone: 862-264-4674
- Breeder Name: Liya’s Rottweilers
- City: Vancouver
- State: WA
- Phone: (360) 904-3804
- Breeder Name: Haus Des GroBen Pfoten
- City: Houston
- State: TX
- Phone: 7139334773
- Breeder Name: Puppys R Us
- City: West Plains
- State: MO
- Phone: 417-280-1397
- Breeder Name: A+Von-Elst-Rottweilers
- City: Oshkosh
- State: WI
- Phone: 9202036060
- Breeder Name: CK Rottweilers Utah
- City: Payson
- State: UT
- Phone: 801-473-4174
- Breeder Name: Vom Black Bear Rottweilers
- City: Hampton
- State: CT
- Phone: 860-235-0879
Pitbull breeders:
- Breeder Name: FPM Kennels
- City: Centerfield
- State: UT
- Phone: 4358513676
- Breeder Name: World’s Finest Pitbull’s
- City: Kalkaska
- State: MI
- Phone: 231—620-0555
- Breeder Name: Coyote Pit Bulls
- City: Hawthrone
- State: FL
- Phone: 352-538-9405
- Breeder Name: Keyla Garcia
- City: Indianapolis
- State: IN
- Phone: 3172018440
- Breeder Name: Dreken Tor Bullies
- City: Gilbert
- State: WV
- Phone: 304-784-5065
- Breeder Name: Riverside County Pit Bulls
- City: Riverside
- State: CA
- Phone: 951-662-1017
- Breeder Name: JoCCo’s XL Pit Bulls
- City: NC State
- State: NC
- Phone: 252-299-0706
- Breeder Name: Archway XL Bullies
- City: St. Louis
- State: MO
- Phone: 618-696-9942
- Breeder Name: Hardcore Steel XXL Pitbulls
- City: South Eastern
- State: GA
- Phone: 1-706-871-5663
- Breeder Name: Xtreme Champion Bully
- City: Daytona Beach
- State: FL
- Phone: 3864054600