Free Baby Pitbull Puppies

These days, you may think of having a Pitbull puppy. You think that it will be good to have it one and it is better if you have it for free. Is it right? If you think of it, then you have to continue reading this article because it will help you much.

Having a pitbull seems fun. But, there are several things that you have to think before you adopt a pitbull. You have to know that they are very sensitive. For example, if you shout at your pitbull for no reason, it will turn its back on you and will not “talk” for days.

Then, you do not leave it alone. Why? It is because they are very energetic and sensitive. So, if you leave them in a long period, they will feel betrayed and will wreak havoc to get themselves occupied while waiting for your return. However, they are affectionate with family.

  • So, where are we able to look find free baby pitbull puppy? Well, you are able to try to look for it in several sites This site is a searchable database of animals who need homes. It is also a directory of almost 11,000 animal shelters and adoption organization across the US, Canada, and Mexico.
  • This is the first humane society to be established in North America and now it is the biggest in the world. This organization was built on the belief that animals are have right to kind and respectful treatment at the hands of humans and must be protected under the law.
  • It provides direct care to more than 100,000 animals each year through their sanctuary, veterinary programs and emergency shelters and rescues.
  • It has a mission to bring about a time when there are no more homeless pets. They do this by helping end the killing in America’s animal shelters through building community programs and partnerships across the nation.
  • This is the world’s biggest no kill rescue and adoption organization. They always have hundreds of dogs, cats, puppies and kittens available.
  • Hope for Paws is a 501 C-3 non- profit animal rescue organization which is based in Los Angeles, California and it was created by Audrey and Eldad Hagar.

You just need to visit the site and check the availability of pitbull puppy. If you find the one that you want, then you are able to contact the rescue or the organization. You have to know that not all animals taken from rescue or organization is free. Sometimes, you need to pay for care cost. Hopefully, you are lucky to get a free pitbull puppy.

Then, you also have to ask much about the puppy that you will take from the rescue. You need to ask about their health, how to take care of them, their characters and some other questions to make sure that you are really ready to keep them at your home and you will not be shocked when you find something weird from your dog. 


  1. I lost my pit bull a few month ago and I would like to have another pit I’ll. It has to be puppy because I have 2 cats and I want it grows with my cats to DOESNT attack them. I live in Miami or Naples.

  2. I am a single father I’m always at home and I really miss my puppy I left it in New Mexico with my grandson I’m back at Denver Colorado and I would really love to have a pitbull puppy I think they’re beautiful awesome creatures and caring lovable dogs I had a pink nose pitbull she was lovable and playful and I do miss her dearly I definitely work as a demo tech but I would love to have a A pitbull at this moment in time I can’ afford to buy one But I really would love a healthy baby pitbull

  3. Yes I’m a recovering addict and I had a pit bull when I was younger and someone stole him.. I have been going through some things relationship wise and I Have thought long and hard and I think instead of trying to get another girlfriend I should just get myself another pit. So if anyone has any razor edge/gator blue pits, please contact me at 423-506-5348. I’m not completely against it being a different type of pit…that is just my preference if at all possible.. thank yall for your consideration and yall don’t know how much it would mean to me if I was chosen to receive one of these free puppies. Because I honestly can’t afford to buy one at this very moment. I know I could give it the most loving home!! Thank you again!

  4. I’m looking for another pitbull because my passed away of old age and it is the breed of dog I have had I loved her she went where I went and I miss that she was my best friend

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