Best Fighting Pitbull of All Time

You may wonder about the best fighting pitbull bloodlines for fighting. Here, you can get the information about it. So, you can read it now. According to Life Falcon, there are a number of best fighting pitbulls and you can see them below.

American Pit Bull Terrier

This pitbull is one of the most muscular medium-sized dogs. The height that they have ranges from 18 to 21 inches and their weight ranges from 16 to 30 kg. The reason why this pitbull is one of the best pitbull bloodlines for fighting is because of their athletic muscular body, size and agileness. They also have bite force that describes its jaw strength. Because they have good biting force, sometimes they can lock their jaws while biting so that it is hard for the animal in opposite to get rid of it. They also have a high prey drive which makes them strong participants in the cruel game of animal fighting. American Pit bull terriers are also the most obedient dog breed in the category of pitbull. Because of it, it is easy to train this dog. Initially, the American Pitbull Terrier was bred to fight and it has an aggressive nature. Nevertheless, this dog is the most loving and human-friendly dog breed. As a fighting dog, this dog is full of energy and agileness so that this dog likes to play throughout the day and do exercise.

American Pit Bull Terrier

American Bulldog

Among the pitbull category, this dog is almost the most muscular medium sized dog. This dog has a bigger head, wider shoulders and shorter legs. The height of this dog ranges from 22 to 27 inches and its weight ranges from 30 to 58 kh. It can be the best fighting pitbull because of its size and muscular body and also the better biting force that this dog has. However, different from the American Pitbull Terrier which is obedient, American Bulldog is not obedient so that it is hard enough to train this dog. This dog has a stubborn nature and it is often not liked by the dogfighters. Sometimes, because of the stubborn nature that this dog has, this dog is not obedient to the trainer and it makes the trainer hard to train this dog. Nevertheless, once the dog is trained, this dog can be a great fighting dog. For your information, in earlier days, when this dog fought with other animals, this dog was popular for fighting with dogs of the similar gender and breed. This dog likes to play and do some exercise and it needs enough healthy exercise daily to make it always fit. AKC recognizes this breed and this dog has been ranked 5 of 197 on the basis of popularity.

American Bulldog1

American Bully

This dog is shorter but it is wider. It also has a muscular body and a larger head. Their legs are shorter and their height ranges from 13 to 23 inches. Their weight ranges from 30 to 40 kg. This dog is one of the strongest dog breeds and it has a huge biting force. This dog is difficult to train, but when this dog is trained well, it will do whatever you want. This dog cannot get along well with other dogs because it has a fighting nature. This dog is agile and energetic and it is interested in playing. This dog needs sports, and exercise everyday to make them happy.

American Bully1

Bull Terrier

This dog has a muscular body and their weight is around 22 to 38 kg. Meanwhile, their height is around 21 to 22 inches. This dog is smart enough to understand the commands given to it. This dog also has good biting force. However, this dog is stubborn and disobedient. This dog is smarter than a lot of the dog breeds and because of that, this dog is a little bit stubborn in nature. So, this dog is hard enough to train and it can be disobedient to the owner. However, if it is trained, this dog may be the best dog. These breeds were bred to fight and this dog was considered as one of the best fighting dogs because this dog never gives up. Bull Terrier is agile and energetic and this dog needs exercise for at least one hour everyday so that it is fit and happy.

Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

This dog is the smallest dog compared to other pit bulls. The height of this dog ranges from 14 to 16 inches and the weight ranges between 13 to 17 kg. This dog has a muscular body like solid rock. It also has a short and broad head. Its cheek muscles are very pronounced. This dog also has a huge biting force. The biting force that this dog has is stronger than all the breeds in this list namely 328 PSI (pounds-force per square inch). It has a high prey drive. It is also smart but, it is a little bit stubborn as well. This dog is energetic and agile and it needs to be given a healthy amount of exercise everyday.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Olde English Bull Dog

This dog is muscular and big-boned. The weight that it has is around 22 to 30 kg and the height that it has is around 17 to 19 inches. This dog has an athletic muscular body and has obedient nature so that it becomes one of the best pitbull for fighting in this list. However, it is important to note that the bite force that is had by this dog is less than the other dogs in this list where its bite force is 210 PSI. This number is not bad, but if you compare with other dogs in this list, this number is low. This dog is loved by dogfighters because this dog is obedient. Because of this attitude, this dog is also easy to train. This dog is also loyal and protective. However, if this dog is not trained well, sometimes this dog can be stubborn and it can lead to disobedience.

Olde English Bull Dog

Well, even though there are some best pit bulls or other dogs for fighting, it does not mean that you are allowed to make the dog fight. It is better for you not to make dogs fight because it may make them injured. And it is better for you not to have dogs, especially if you are a muslim.

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