One of the most popular dogs in the United States is dogs from the American Bully Gottiline Bloodline. These dogs are like other popular Bully bloodlines which are in demand. These types of dogs are not only popular in the United States but also outside the United States such as Japan, Canada, China and the Philippines. No wonder why these dogs are liked because they are friendly, loyal, and faithful temperament.
Now, the question is, how was these Gotti Bully bloodline founded? The one who founded this is West Side kennel’s owner, Richard Barajas. He was the person who founded the Gottiline bloodline where in 1997 he bought a dog from Tony Moore. who had Grey Line Kennels, at the amount of 1,300 dollars and the name was The Notorious Juan Gotty.

It was the passing of Richard’s original sire named “Raider” that prompted him to purchase Getty who was seven weeks old at that time Richard bought him from Tony. You have to know that the sire of the Bully Gottiline dogs has “I” instead of “y” in its name. Note that Richard Barajas was the one who made this minor change in the name of Gotti. To date, Gotti has generated a lot of males and females who would be the founders of their own bloodline.
Most people think that this dog would be one of the greatest dogs in the history of bully style movement. You may be curious about the physical and also personality traits of these dogs. Gottiline dog has a more bulldog look and then the coloring of their coat have an oil specking or oil spotting pattern which i more apparent if said dog is white.

However, you have to note that a said pattern may not often come up on a Gottiline dog. The body has many mass which gives the dog it’s stocky, muscular that makes it looks the same to a bulldog. How about the head? It is broad in width, particularly between its cheeks. Its neck is well-defined and thick with muscles. The ears are cropped though it is optional to the owner of the dog. Then, the eyes are round that is of any color except blue.
How about the personality of these dogs? Bullies are bred as pets so that their personality is a good-natured one and also affectionate and entertaining. They have a great tolerance to kids, strangers and other dogs if they were together. If the owner and family give enough love and care to this dog, the dog will repay said actions with loyalty and an eagerness to please them.
A lot of people think that these dogs are dangerous and aggressive because of their look. But, they are wrong. As the old saying goes that never judge a book by its cover. So, if you have a plan to have this kind of dog, you are able to start by contacting the nearest breeder and find the Gotti Bully that you want.