Pitbull and German Shepherd Puppies

In this time, we are going to discuss about German Shepherd pitbull mix puppies. By the way, do you know about the German Shepherd pitbull mix? You have to know that a pitbull German Shepherd is a hybrid dog breed which results from crossing a purebred German Shepherd Dog with a purebred American Pitbull Terrier which commonly shortened to “Pit” or “Pitbull”. The pitbull German Shepherd mix are also known as the German Pit or German Sheppit. As we said before that German Shepherd pitbull is a mixed breed between the German Shepherd and the American Pitbull Terrier. Actually, these two breeds have a bad reputation for being aggressive. However, it is not for all case. They may be more powerful than other breeds dog, but by doing the right training and environment, they are able to be very loving, caring, brave, friendly and playful pets.

What does the pitbull German Shepherd mix puppies look like? In fact, there is no certainty what the dog is going to look like once it is a mixed breed. As we know that this German Shepherd pitbull is more likely to have the face of the Pitbull with a broad head and a short muzzle. Then, this German Shepherd pitbull is also variety colors include brown, black, white, fawn, tan and gray. As far know that both the Pitbull and German Shepherd have strong physiques, so it is not strange if that this mixed breed fully grown. These German Shepherd pitbull are large. They have weight between 65-85 lbs or 29 – 38 kg. Therefore, it is important for you to have his under control. In this case, you are able to do training and socializing him properly.

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By the way, where do you can get a pitbull German Shepherd puppy? If you are interested to have a German Shepherd puppy pitbull, you do not be worry because there are a lot of the breeders and pet shops who provide the German Shepherd mix puppies for sale. How about the price of German Shepherd puppy pitbull? Usually, the breeders and pet shops are going to sell the German Shepherd puppy pitbull with variety price. It depends on color, size, gene and eye color of that puppy pitbull.

In addition, in this article we will also discuss about a 6 week old pitbull puppy. What do you think about a 6 week old pitbulls? Of course, you are going to think that they are very cute and nice pitbull but you will also think that it is very difficult to raise or train a 6 week old pitbull. Actually, for some case, there are some people who can train a 6 week old puppy easily. In training him, they do several training such as give a basic training, housebreaking, socialization and short attention spans. When you are training a 6 week old puppy, you have to be patient because training a very young pitbull is need patience and understanding.

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