In this time, we are going to discuss about Presa Canario Pitbull mix. By the way, do you ever heard about the Presa Canario Pitbull mix? What do you know about the Presa Canario Pitbull mix? You have to know that a Pitbull Presa Canario is well known as a wonderful guard dog. The Pitbull Presa Canario has the agility of the Pitbull Terrier and the strong willed personality of the Presa Canario. Of course, this need a proper training regularly to owning a wonderful dog. Actually, the most of Pitbull Presa Canario mix is no different from any other dog in terms of personality.
Recently, there are many people talk about Presa Canario vs. Pitbull. The most of Pitbull Presa Canario are capable of withstanding larger opposition. If we train this dog to protect, so the Pitbull Presa Canario is going to be a fierce guard dog. It is one the reasons why many people very interested to purchase or adopt the Pitbull Presa Canario. The dog can be their great friend and protection. The Presa Canarios is also well known as a good family dog. By the way, what any else of the Pitbull Presa Canario temperament? You have to know that the temperament of Pitbull Presa Canario is gentle, calm, suspicious, strong willed and sometime dominant.
Pitbull and Presa Canario Mix have different life span. According to the research, the life span of Presa Canario is only 11 years, but the life span of the Pitbull dog is about 14 years. Even, there are some Pitbull dog who can live up to 15 years. So, we are able to say that the Pitbull dog is very healthy breed. The different of two dogs are only about the stronger and long living dog. As we said before that the life span of Presa Canario slightly shorter than a Pitbull dog. By the way, how about the average weight and height of Pitbull Presa Canario? We get information that the average weight of Pitbull Presa Canario is about 70 – 80 pounds. Then, the average height of Pitbull Presa Canario is about 23- 25 inches.
The Pitbull Presa Canario has the coat which has various colors and smooth. The coat colors of Pitbull Presa Canario are going to be white, brown, brindle, fawn or spotted colors. They look like a large Pitbull with similar strength and muscle tone. If you are curious to know how the appearance of the Pitbull Presa Canario, so you are able to see the pictures of Pitbull Presa Canario. Or you can also search from YouTube to watch the videos about Pitbull Presa Canario. We are sure that you are going to admire the agility and the strength of Pitbull Presa Canario. In feeding a Pitbull Presa Canario, it will better for you to know some knowledge in terms of doggy nutrition. You should know that this Pitbull Presa Canario prefer food which contain mostly meat. Do not forget to give supplement and vitamin for the Pitbull Presa Canario.