Choosing the right name for your Cane Corso dog is as important as choosing the name for your kid. Every dog has its own unique appearance and different personality. As the owner, you should choose the name that describes and suits your dog the most.
If it is the first time of you taking care of a pet and you have no idea how to name your Cane Corso dog, you may want to check out some of names for Cane Corso below:
The Most Popular Names for Cane Corso
There are some names that are usually used for Cane Corso dogs. Some of the most popular ones include:
- Kratos
- Riley
- Ruby
- Arya
- Mocha
- Sophie
- Lily
- Hanzo
- Vader
- Duke
- Annabelle
- Roxy
- Ella
- Nova
- Belle
- Major
- Titan
- Kong
- Aries
- Rex
- Smokey
- Nina
- Grace
- Luigi
- Diesel
- Cookie
- Drago
- Dixie
- Kobe
- Luna
- Rose
- Elsa
- Nala
- Oscar
- Kane
- Charlie
- Bailey
- Cleo
- Venus
- Tito
- Tex
- Ruth
- Milo
- Marley
- Cora
- Saint
- Storm
- Diamond
- Beau
- Blaze
- Teddy
- Titus
- Luca
- Skye
- Buddy
- Zoe
- Caesar
- Emma
- Gus
- Royal
- Bella
- Rocky
- Willow
- Daisy
- Doc
- Goliath
- Romeo
- Maui
- Buddha
- Baby
- Leo
- Rogue
- Prince
- Loki
- Gigi
- Ghost
- Groot
- Simba
- Frankie
- Midnight
- Violet
- Hank
- Storm
- Blu
- Queen
- Rocco
- Abby
- Chloe
- Bruno
- Apollo
- Axel
- Bagheera
- Lucy
- Aurora
- Rambo
- Maggie
- Frank
- Grizzly
- Freya
- Tyson
- Ivy
- Blu
- Ace
- Dante
- Charlie
- Ginger
- Bear
- Sage
- Aries
- Lola
- Jax
- Molly
- Pepper
- Winston
- Harper
- Rocko
- King
- Anna
- Ellie
- Chief
- Diva
- Lady
- Stormi
- Olive
- Ash
- Bruce
- Princess
- Atlas
- Kai
- Stormy
- Mason
- Max
- Chewy
- Moose
- Poppy
- Phoenix
- Louie
- Tank
- Lucia
- Brutus
- Thor
- Piper
- Samson
- Rosie
- Beast
- Stella
- Thanos
- Tucker
- Birdie
- Mazikeen
- Coco
- Diesel
The Most Popular Names for Female Cane Corso
If your Cane Corso is a female, you may want to consider the names for female Cane Corso below:
- Bella
- Luna
- Nala
- Nova
- Stella
- Lola
- Storm
- Zoe
- Roxy
- Arya
- Dido
- Kobe
- Fergie
- Kesha
- Pink
- Sia
- Annie
- Missy
- Shirley
- Jett
Talking about female Cane Corso dogs, there are also some names that are based on historical figures, such as:
- Venus: She is a goddess of beauty.
- Rosa: Rosa refers to Rosa Parks, a civil rights activist.
- Venus: She is a goddess of love and beauty.
- Cleopatra: She is a famous Egyptian Queen.
- Delilah: She is a biblical character beloved of Samson.
- Brunhilde: She is a shield-maiden and Valkyrie in German mythology.
If you want to name your Cane Corso dogs using Italian as they are originally from Italy, some of the options include:
- Fata: Fairy
- Bomba: Bomb
- Fiamma: Flame
- Spilla: Pin
- Polpetta: Meatball
- Roccia: Rock
- Alba: Sunrise
- Gemma: Gem
- Bobina: Coil
- Neve: Snow
- Rosa: Pink
- Sole: Sun
- Bianca: White
- Muffa: Mold
- Dolce: Sweet
- Foglia: Leaf
- Italia: Italy
- Perla: Pearl
- Oliva: Olive
- Zecca: Mint
- Pietra: Stone
- Giada: Jade
- Nuvola: Cloud
- Gioia: Joy
- Biglia: Marble
- Molla: Spring
- Piuma: Feather
- Luce: Light
- Diva: Diva
- Chica: Girl
- Pelosa: Furry
- Molletta: Clothespin
- Zanna: Tusk
- Pulce (unisex): Flea
- Gilda: Guild
- Boa: Buoy
- Spugna: Sponge
- Mia: Mine
- Ciliegia: Cherry
- Pipa: Pipe
- Pallina: Ball
- Luna: Moon
- Riga: Line
- Bimba: Little girl
- Nebbia: Fog
- Bella: Beautiful
- Música: Music
- Dea: Goddess
- Pillola: Pill
- Toppa: Patch
- Fede: Faith
- Fiore: Flower
- Armonía: Harmony
- Crema: Cream
- Borchia: Stud
- Cartuccia: Cartridge
- Dama: Lay
- Stella: Star
The Most Popular Names for Female Cane Corso
If your Cane Corso is male, you may want to consider some of the following names:
- Blu
- Kane
- Diesel
- King
- Apollo
- Thor
- Titan
- Bear
- Moose
- Rocky
- Zepp
- Neyo
- Outkast
- Stormsie
- Tayo
- Arcade
- Busta
- CeeLo
- Jayzee
- King
- Magnum
If you are interested in naming your male Cane Corso dog with a historical figures, the list that you can consider includes:
- Nerva: He is a Roman emperor.
- Goliath: He is a biblical hero with immense strength.
- Dante: He is an Italian poet.
- Titan: He is a Greek mythological deities.
- Samson: He is a biblical character with super-human strength.
- Brutus: He is a Roman politician.
- Plato: He is a Greek philosopher.
- Cicero: He is a Roman philosopher.
- Ajax: He is a Grecian hero.
- Rafael: He is a Renaissance painter.
If you prefer naming your male Cane Corso with an Italian name, check out the following recommendations:
- Bruno
- Alberto
- Dante
- Lanza
- Enzo
- Rocco
- Ena
- Andrea
- Gino
- Tina
- Tito
- Cara
- Faust
- Dona
- Birillo: Pin
- Bello: Beautiful
- Quarto: Fourth
- Tobia: Tobias
- Sci: Ski
- Spillo: Pin
- Bullone: Bold
- Peloso: Hairy
- Elio: Helium
- Ulisse: Ulysses
- Pietro: Peter
- Fulvo: Fawn
- Scotch: Scotch tape
- Vinile: Vinyl
- Fido: Trust
- Icaro: Icarus
- Orazio: Horace
- Paride: Paris
- Origano: Origan
- Corallo: Coral
- Baffo: Mustache
- Pirata: Pirate
- Leo: Leo
- Augusto: August
- Caio: Gaius
- Elia: Elijah
- Olaf: Olaf
- Ferro: Iron
- Diego: Diego
- Filo: Wire
- Leone: Lion
- Soldo: Money
- Paolo: Paul
- Fusto: Stem
- Kiwi: Kiwi
- Giove: Jupiter
- Pulce (unisex): Flea
- Coda: Tail
- Delfino: Dolphin
- Amo: I love
- Quinto: Fifth
- Timoteo: Timothy
- Biscotto: Cookie
- Pallino: Shot
- Zippo: Zippo
- Lino: Linen
- Giosuè: Joshua
- Tigre: Tiger
- Pippo: Foo
- Sale: Salt
- Corsaro: Corsaire
- Pelo: Fur
- Svevo: Swabian
- Edipo: Oedipus
- Sasso: Stone
- Orso: Bear
- Fiocco: Flake
- Cesare: Caesar
- Osso: Bone
- Oro: Gold
- Lauro: Laurel
- Elmo: Helmet
- Bimbo: Child
- Fulmine: Lighting
- Argo: Argon
- Tuono: Thunder
- Eco: Echo
- Primo: First
- Pepe: Pepper
The Most Popular Names for Cane Corso Inspired by Movie Characters
If you are a movie lover, it would be a good idea to name your Cane Corso dog after a character from a movie, including:
- Zero (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
- Odie (Garfield)
- Maverick (Top Gun)
- Bluto (National Lampoon’s Animal House)
- Jabba (Jabba the Hutt, Star Wars)
- Yoda (Star Wars)
- Blondie (The Good, The Bad, The Ugly)
- Hollywood
- Aragorn (Lord of the Rings)
- Norman (Psycho)
- Max (Mad Max)
- Harry (Harry Potter)
- Frankenstein
- Ferris (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off)
- Falcor (Never-ending Story)
- Dude (The Big Lebowski)
The Most Popular Cute Names for Cane Corso
While Cane Torso dogs look tough, it is totally fine if you want to give them cute names. If you are looking for the cute names for your dog, some of them include:
- Molly
- Sugar
- Twinkie
- Nala
- Sophie
- Sadie
- Peaches
- Tillie
- Pansy
- Stella
- Poppy
- Rhubarb
- Marley
- Rosie
- Queenie
- Pumpkin
- Pancakes
- Nessie
So, which name do you think the best for your Cane Corso dog? Feel free to use the one that you think the best. Once again, make sure to choose the one that suits your dog the most. A name is like a prayer so please choose wisely.