Mariah is one of the daughters of the founder of Villalobos Rescue Center (Tia Maria Torres). Mariah’s siblings include a sister Tania. By the way, is Mariah from Pitbulls and Parolees on Drugs? Read this entire article to know that information.
Is Mariah from Pitbulls and Parolees?
Yes, Mariah is from Pitbulls and Parolees. Since 2009, Mariah has appeared in Pit Bulls and Parolees, a reality TV show which describes the day-to-day operations at the Villalobos Rescue Center, including the efforts to adopt the dogs to new owners as well as caring for neglected, abandoned, or rescued dogs. Her mother named Tia Maria Torres, is the founder of Villalobos Rescue Center.
In the year of 2014, Tia appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart to tell her experiences operating a pit bull shelter in New Orleans. Formerly, she started the shelter in Agua Dulce, California. But, in 2011, the shelter moved to Greater New Orleans in Louisiana. Pit Bulls and Parolees regularly airs on Animal Planet weekdays at 12 PM and 1 PM EST.
Why is Mariah on Pitbulls and Parolees so skinny?
Mariah Torres transformed from Chubby to fit and tatted. Of course, the social media star’s evolution stunned thousands of her followers. You may wonder how she can transform herself from fat to slim. Over the years, Mariah lost over 10 kg (22 pounds). The main reason she opted to burn those fats was allocating some hours of exercise and changing her diet regime. Several squats, running, yoga, and other basic exercises turned out to be helpful and very beneficial for the animal lover. Eating low calorie, fat foods, and more green vegetables could help her lose more pounds easily with benefits on health and skin too.
Net worth of Mariah Torres
According to the research, Mariah Torres earns most of her wealth from working at the Villalobos Rescue Center and appearing on the reality television series Pit Bulls and Parolees which runs on Animal Planet. Mariah Torres has appeared in over 60 episodes of the TV show. So, Mariah Torres has an estimated net worth of $0.2 million.
Mariah’s Questions
Let us get to know a bit more about Pit Bulls and Parolees’ Mariah!
Why do you think Pitbulls are a breed worth rescuing?
Pitbulls are breeds that are worth rescuing because they often get kicked to the bottom. Although they are one of the most stable breeds in the world, they are still the underdog. I very love their personalities and everything about them. People do not give them the opportunity that they deserve, thus we give them that opportunity.
What is your favorite story of the Pitbull rescue?
That is a hard question as we have done lots of rescues. When I was 11 years old, I got to go on a raid. There was a lady who kept pretty show dogs in her home, however she had gone crazy and began doing drugs. She boarded up the house and also padlocked all the kennels with the pitbulls inside. Once we got there, some dogs had died, and some had eaten puppies or eaten each other to stay alive.
What is it like working with parolees?
It is very amazing, like having some big brothers around. Like the dogs, they are not given an opportunity. Everyone makes mistakes. We do not judge them for that. They ensure that I am safe.
How has your life at Villalobos shaped who you are now?
Working and growing up there has made me who I am today. It has taught me not to be judgmental, when to forgive and not to forgive. I have learned many things to keep an open mind.
Would you depict a public speaking experience where you felt that you made a difference?
I do many speaking at schools, those are my favorite. When I was about 7 years old, I spoke in front of the mayor of Los Angeles regarding spaying and neutering, with my dog by my side. I had to stand on the chair to get to the microphone. Of course, the people were expecting nice things as little kids love puppies. I told them regarding the harsh things, the killing that I have to see every day because of over breeding.
What goals do you set for your future?
My sister and I have big plans. We want to open a store in Venice, California, called L.A. Pitt. It would offer the doggy day care and training and also sell several things designed for dogs or inspired by dogs. Aside from that, one week each month, we want to travel to New Orleans to do seminars regarding Pitbulls. We want to start a magazine named Play Pit, a pit bull and dog magazine. Also, my sister wants to sell pitbull food. As we know that Pitbulls get allergies and require specific food. In addition, I want to design my own line of jeans, as I very love design, it is my favorite thing to design.
You said that you are interested in fashion design. What inspires that fashion sense?
I grew up in a small town. It was a unique small town where everyone is the same. Everyone wears same clothes and looks the same. Individuality is a section of my family. I think that it is my way of expressing my own individuality. Also, I think that it is very important for young girls to have their own individuality and not be afraid to express it.
How would you depict your experiences doing beauty pageants?
Well, with my piercings and tattoos, I obviously cannot do it right now. My first pageant was when I was 11 years old. It was a community pageant. Later, I went to national pageants where you do not speak; it is only about beauty. I loved makeup, dressing up and hair. I talked to my mom regarding an idea to start a pageant for girls with tattoos.
Who cares if she is or isn’t on drugs..what should matter is her work she does for animals and her caring heart ..people can never mind their own business..
No I don’t think she is on drugs, I believe she would be to busy to be doing drugs in the first place. She also seems like a heart caring young women who adores her dogs and the dogs at the rescue.